The European Union makes available large budgets to finance projects, initiatives and infrastructure of various kinds. However, these funds are often abstract and far removed from everyday reality.
CRSLaghi's European Projects Area is committed to ensuring that these European funds are a concrete resource at the service of innovation and Transition 5.0. We operate with a flexible approach, our goal is to maximize the value of European funding by aligning it with business growth objectives. Through a rigorous analysis of objectives, skills and available resources, we develop ad hoc strategies to transform project ideas into concrete expansion resources.
The Area covers all phases of the project lifecycle, from initial analysis to the design, management, development and internal and external evaluation of EU-funded projects.
In addition, we act as partners or coordinators in European projects, actively participating in the R&D phases to identify the most innovative and functional solutions at the European level, turning them into new services and training opportunities.
We are always interested in new collaborations to maximize the opportunities offered by the European Union.
Dott.ssa Isabella Querci
A flexible, Multidisciplinary and Transnational VET Model for the PROBATION Services and Practitioners
Research for Innovative Practices in Emergency Management of Erasmus Community