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What we do / School 4.0

School 4.0

In line with its mission of being a meeting point between business and research and to become a reference for companies, since its foundation CRSL has dedicated many resources to the National 4.0 Industry Plan, the set of measures aimed at supporting companies that want to acquire competitiveness through the digitization of production processes, the enhancement of worker productivity and the training of adequate skills for the development of new products and processes.

The elements that make CRSL a School 4.0 of excellence are numerous and diversified: the prestigious MISE certification as a Technology Transfer Center 4.0, the 10 experts accredited as Innovation Managers, specialized professionals available to SMEs to support them in technological transformation projects and digital in an Enterprise 4.0 key, the multitude of Research projects carried out in support of companies, the creation of an Observatory to research new areas of internal investigation and to focus on the most innovative and stimulating topics for the business world to be explored and develop with ad hoc laboratories.

A further example of the consideration enjoyed by CRSL and its commitment in the field of Industry 4.0, recognized as a "company engaged in highly qualified activities", is the admission of Dott. Fabiano Rinaldi and Dott. Marco Colombo - respectively President of the Board of Directors and Board Member of CRSL - to the Industrial Research Doctorate in Engineering for Energy and Environment promoted by the University of Tuscia of Viterbo. During the three years of the two PhDs, issues relating to the "Development of technological innovation models within the framework of the Patent Box" and "Intellectual property rights of biosystems and environmental technology" will be explored.


The implementation of 4.0 technologies within companies has highlighted the importance of lifelong learning for both large and medium-small businesses. The need for continuous updating has become even more urgent by the stimuli for the digital transition and the enhancement of intangible assets, introduced in the 2020 Budget Law. To give a concrete and immediate response to the new needs of the production world, CRSL has launched two short masters professionalizing: one on the Patent Box and the other on Innovation Management.

Master in Intellectual Property Management: Patent Box

The Intellectual Property Manager is an Expert in applying an interdisciplinary approach to assist companies in the conception, creation, evaluation, management and protection of their intangible assets, with particular reference to the PATENT BOX regime, and to incentivize the results achieved through research and development focused on both economic and industrial policy and fiscal benefit. He is in charge of intellectual-industrial property and deals with innovation policies in companies. The Master offers preparation for optimizing the work of the R&D department, conveying updates on technical-scientific research, adopting systems for the protection of rights and managing patents.

Master in Innovation Management: Reserach, Innovation and Design

The Innovation Manager is one of the most advanced professions in the field of consultancy and project management of research projects, in the industrial sector in particular, dictated by the National Industry 4.0 Plan and the even more recent 4.0 TRANSITION PLAN.
The task of the Innovation Manager, to whom the Master is aimed, is to guide and accompany companies in the path of "Digital Transformation" through the introduction of innovation plans that leverage emerging technologies and that push the company towards business.

The Diplomas of the CRSL Masters are stored in the blockchain Diploma register, which guarantees their security, integrity, resilience and availability.

Blockchain Diploma register

The blockchain is a kind of internet of transactions that is based on four fundamental concepts: decentralization, transparency, security and immutability. Starting from these four concepts, the blockchain has become the digital declination of a new idea of trust: for these reasons the blockchain assumes the role of a platform capable of guaranteeing everyone the possibility of verifying, controlling and having total transparency. on the acts and decisions that are recorded in immutable and shared archives with the characteristic of being unalterable, unchangeable and therefore immune from corruption.
The blockchain has often been associated with a concept of digital currency and digital payment, of virtual currency, therefore, alternative or complementary. In fact, the blockchain has great value as a platform for managing transactions and exchanges of information and data even in sectors that are completely different and far from the financial one.

The Diplomas of the CRSL Masters are stored in the blockchain Diploma register, which guarantees their security, integrity, resilience and availability.

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