Founded in 2017, CRSL – Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi, is a relatively young but extremely dynamic reality that boasts prestigious accreditations: the Center is a spin-off of the Carolina Albasio High School of Castellanza, it is registered in the National Research Registry file of MIUR and is certified by Unioncamere as a 4.0 Technology Transfer Center.
Through the spin-off tool, CRSL intends to encourage entrepreneurial initiatives with a high innovation content for the exploitation of scientific research results, also with the aim of expanding the potential of the university research system and developing new training opportunities.
Innovation is the common denominator of the research activity and the Masters, governed by 8 departments:
Scienze Giuridiche, Scienze Statistiche ed Economiche, Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche, Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale, Scienze Umane, Scienze Fisiche, Chimiche, Biologiche e degli Alimenti&Bevande, Scienze dell’Ingegneria Energetica e Ambientale, Design.
A Department is established for each of these thematic areas, each coordinated by a Director.
The Department Directors manage and supervise every single research, training or service project in the related area of competence.