CRSL represents a competitive partner of companies and other public and private entities for access to European funds from national (PON, POR, PSR ...) and international (Erasmus+, Digital Europe, Creative Europe, H2020...) programs. These are programs that require the presentation of articulated projects with a high scientific and technological content, mostly co-financed, to be supported with a significant starting budget.
The contacts for these projects are Dott. Luigi Passariello, Technical Scientific Coordinator of Large-scale Projects and Scientific Director of CRS Funding Lab and Dott. Isabella Querci, Head of International Relations and Studies and member of the Technical Scientific Committee and of the CRSL Scientific Steering Committee.
Download the 2023 CRSL Presentation (italian language)
Borgo 4.0 is a supply chain project promoted by ANFIA - Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica - and implemented with the involvement of a
public-private partnership coordinated by the managing body ANFIA Automotive and consisting of 54 companies in the sector and 3 public Research Centers, with the
participation of the 5 Campanian Universities and of the CNR. By integrating research, development,
innovation and technology transfer actions with the experimentation, in a real and scale environment, of new technologies for autonomous and connected driving,
the project gives life to the first example in the Irpinia village of Lioni (Avellino), in Italy, a laboratory for technological experimentation
in various complementary fields, where large and small companies in the automotive and telecommunications sectors work in synergy to develop new solutions, materials and intelligent components for the mobility of tomorrow.
The P-Mobility project of the BORGO 4.0 program, in which CRSL participates, aims to develop an innovative open and OpenSource modular solution, based on the integration and collaboration between the various proximity technologies and other IoT technologies, capable of enabling an entire ecosystem of proximity services.
CRSL was one of the 33 winners of the Lombardy Region Research and Innovation Call Hub (financed with PORFESR funds) with the Faire - Fashion Re-Platform Hub project, presented in partnership with important companies in the digital sector. With a total investment of 5.2 million euros, of which 2.4 from regional contributions, Faire aims to bring the most advanced technologies to the world of fashion and design, bringing together creativity with modern techniques of big data analytics and artificial intelligence for develop new digital technologies to support the competitiveness of the sector.