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Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi

Combine together academic and business culture

  • promoting and giving more value to Research & Development projects
  • supporting virtuous relations among universities, institutions, companies and experts
  • sustaining the growth of creative businesses with R&D activity and innovative Masters


It is the latest technology developed by CRSL. It allows you to measure the degrees of innovation with regard to business processes at the same time, according to three fundamental and highly topical macro-trends: ecological transition, technological innovation and Industry 4.0, but not only. Discover more


CRSL International, "Partner for the internationalization of innovative companies", puts its skills on the front of correlations with Industry 4.0, PNRR calls, technological and ecological transition, digitalization, training of specialized figures in a 4.0 perspective, strategies and models of business for internationalization.
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ERASMUS+ Projects

CRSL participates in the drafting of various Erasmus + Projects for the construction of Strategic Partnerships ... Discover more


With SAFETY 4.0 technology, CRSL provides companies with the necessary technology transfer to independently develop, finalize and test devices and applications that allow the verification and monitoring of the presence of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), but also of unsuitable postures.
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Fondazione Polo Universitario METIS

Polo Universitario METIS Foundation

CRSL is one of the founders of the POLO UNIVERSITARIO METIS Foundation, born from the collaboration of university institutes, research centers, companies and the world of certification, through the common denominator of innovation and research, with the aim of facilitating meeting and exchange between the academic and the working dimension. Discover more
