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22 December 2022


CRSL, ispirata ai valori della RSI, dalle politiche EU in materia di CSR e sostenibilità e dei Sustainable Development Goals promulgati dalle Nazioni Unite, adotta una serie politiche di Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa: misure di conciliazione tra tempi di vita e di lavoro, misure a sostegno del reddito, misure di sostegno della formazione continua, misure di sostegno della salute, previdenza e assistenza, azioni per le pari opportunità e la non discriminazione. CRSL, nella sua attività di Ricerca, Innovazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico 4.0, si impegna ad aggiornare periodicamente i suoi standard in materia di RSI e di espandere progressivamente il novero di azioni concrete in materia.

Piano di Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa

20 December 2021

CRS CARRIERE ITALIA, a new lab at the service of companies

CRS CARRIERE ITALIA is born, the new lab that combines the scientific and academic matrix of CRSL with the know-how and 360-degree experience of Carriere Italia in the field of organizational consultancy, head hunting and development of managerial skills. CRS CARRIERE ITALIA enriches the existing CRS labs - Audit (Auditing firm,, Finance (Helping companies to create value,, Funding (Resources for new goals,, Green Energy (Technical-scientific knowledge in the environmental energy field at the service of companies, and Law Tax & Compliance (Beyond legal advisor, - with more in the area of human resources to support individuals and companies in managing change: a concrete experience at the service of PEOPLE AND COMPANIES WHO CHANGE.

18 December 2021

SAFETY 4.0, the CRSL prevention technology for workplace safety

With SAFETY 4.0 technology, CRSL gives companies the technology transfer necessary to obtain, finalize and independently test devices and applications that allow the verification and monitoring of the presence of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), but also of unsuitable posture. SAFETY 4.0 declined in three technological elements in order to satisfy different needs of wearable safety services on a series of devices, with the dual purpose of protecting the worker and facilitating the employer of supervision.

Download the Safety 4.0 information sheet

2 December 2021

Call to action for SMEs in the Veneto Region with a 33.5 million euro call for bids

CRSL supports business in every part of Italy and, in this specific case, supports all the companies that fall within the scope of the new 33.5 million euro call for bids launched by the Veneto Region (ref. DGR n. 1510 of 2 November 2021), which provides for "the disbursement of contributions aimed at the competitive repositioning of SMEs, supporting investments and promoting digitalisation and circular economy models". The Veneto Region has in fact made available to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises belonging to the manufacturing and business services sectors, a non-repayable grant of 30% for all projects in support of innovation, technological and digital transformation of production processes, also on the front of the reconversion towards models of circular economy and sustainable development, in full continuity with the 4.0 National Transition Plan. To make the call particularly advantageous for the Veneto business are the extent of the interventions that can be financed, the cumulation with other tax concessions and the temporal extension of the eligible expenses (which can be incurred between 11/11/2021 and 14 / 02/2024), which provide for minimum spending thresholds of € 80,000 (contribution € 24,000) and maximum spending thresholds of € 500,000 (contribution € 150,000).

Consult the Veneto Region Call for bids (italian language)
See Annex C (ATECO codes of eligible economic activities) (italian language)

18 November 2021

4.0 Industry: software and facilities for digitization

On November 23rd, from 11 to 12, the webinar "4.0 Industry: software and facilitations for digitization" will take place, organized by A3 Sistemi Informatiche in partnership with CRSL. This is a full immersion on the theme of 4.0 Industry, with a particular focus on the tax concessions envisaged by the 4.0 National Transition Plan for the 2022. CRSL, as a 4.0 Technology Transfer Center, will carry out a regulatory analysis on those entitled , methods of disbursement and request for incentives, technical requirements, documentation and practices.

For info and registration

10 November 2021

Published the new CRSL Yearbook 2020

2020 was marked by the disruptive outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic: companies had to revolutionize the way they work and provide services to react to the new economic situation. So did CRSL too, which in a year so full of challenges, has reached the optimal structure to fully pursue its mission of combining academic culture with that of business.
The Centro has not only consolidated, but also expanded its activities, adding 4.0 Training and the Patent Box to Research and Innovation and expanding the Technology Transfer service to support companies, with a subdivision of the organic and complete.
The Yearbook 2020 is currently being distributed on the CRSL network and will soon be made available on this site for download.

See the summary

25 October 2021

CRSL Journalism Award mentioned on Fidest

Fidest - Press agency, news newspaper, mentions the second edition of the CRSL Journalism Award.


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20 October 2021

Business Intelligence Group mentions the CRSL Journalism Award

The second edition of the CRSL Journalism Award mentioned on Business Intelligence Group, an Innovative Start Up company.


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19 October 2021

On Milano Finanza the preview of "Safety 4.0"

Milano Finanza collects the double interview of Fabiano Rinaldi, CRSL President and MISE Innovation Manager and Sirio Cividino, CRSL Technical Scientific Director, who present the «Safety 4.0» Technology, created by the Center for a 4.0 Work Safety.


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26 July 2021

CRSL News – July 2021

In this issue: The second quarter of 2021: the floor to Fabiano Rinaldi, CRSL Chairman of the Board; Campione d’Italia, an innovative gold medal pole; The scientific journal CRSL Innovation Journal is launched; L’Industria della Gomma & CRSL; New structure for the CRSL Technical-Scientific Committee; DEHUMANA: Carlo Bisi is the new Director; Partnership with ANEV, between sustainability and innovation.

Read the newsletter (italian language)

19 July 2021

Overall vision and synergy of skills: this is the goal of the partnership between CRSL and Zucchetti

The synergy of CRSL and the Zucchetti Group aims to effectively use the measures of 4.0, which is why the combination of their respective technical and scientific skills aims to maximize the benefits of all the facilities provided for in the plan.


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7 July 2021

A research carried out with the collaboration of CRSL and the Carolina Albasio University Institute at the basis of a Webinar on "soft skills"

"Soft skills", a universe of skills that are not so "soft" ... At least this would seem to emerge from the research carried out with the collaboration of CRSL and the Carolina Albasio University Institute, which shows how the evaluation of a performance should tend to consider the individual, finding the best ways to understand just how soft skills can really make a difference. Topics of great interest, which will be explored in the webinar to be held on July 12th and which will see the participation of Laura Turrini (Aquis) as speaker.

2 July 2021

"Incentives and tax breaks: from the 4.0 transition to research and innovation", the webinar of L’Industria della Gomma in partnership with CRSL

The free webinar "Incentives and tax breaks: from transition 4.0 to research and innovation" will take place on Wednesday 14 July, organized by the magazine "L’Industria della Gomma" in partnership with CRSL and some leading companies in the Italian production sector.
It will be up to Marco Colombo (CRSL Legal Advisor) and Sirio Cividino (CRSL Technical Scientific Director) to address central issues such as updates and perspectives on the regulatory framework of the 4.0 National Transition Plan and the related opportunities offered to companies investing in research, innovation, design, 4.0 training, capital goods and Patent Box.

For information

22 June 2021

The incentives for the digital transition: CRSL interviewed by L’Industria della Gomma

The 4.0 National Transition Plan currently in force has introduced a series of innovations to the system of concessions which intend to encourage the adoption by Italian companies of digital technologies. Fabiano Rinaldi - President of the Board of Directors and Marco Colombo - Member of CRSL frame the issue for the benefit of managers and entrepreneurs of SMEs.

Source: L'industria Della Gomma

Read the article

21 June 2021

CRSL and Zucchetti combine solutions and skills to bring innovation to Italian companies

CRSL and Zucchetti Group work in synergy for an effective use of Industry 4.0 measures by combining their respective technical-scientific skills with the common goal of maximizing the benefits of all the facilities provided in the plan.


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3 June 2021

CRSL and Zucchetti to support companies in digital transformation

The first projects financed by the Industry 4.0 program come from the collaboration between CRSL and the Zucchetti Group: a synergy of roles and skills that allows companies to innovate their hardware and software fleet relying on an important tax recovery.

Sources: e

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28 May 2021

Investments in the ecological transition and digitalization of businesses in a Webinar organized by Anev with CRSL and Sea Tuscia

On 18 May the Anev - Associazione nazionale energia del vento, in collaboration with CRSL and Sea Tuscia, organized a webinar on the Industry 4.0 Plan which illustrated the opportunities for investments in the ecological transition and in the digitization of businesses to operators and companies in the renewable energy sector.


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6 May 2021

"Industry 4.0 - Ecological Transition and Digitization", the webinar signed by CRSL, ANEV and SEA Tuscia

It’s scheduled on May 18th the appointment with the event organized by CRSL in partnership with SEA Tuscia and ANEV, the National Wind Energy Association, which will broadcast live the free webinar "Industry 4.0 - Ecological Transition and Digitization " on its Facebook page.
We will talk about Industry 4.0 and the circular economy, the energy and environmental aspects of the ecological transition, wind repowering in Italy and the facilitation measures envisaged for the new Budget Law.
The major strategic issues of Green Business investments and related tax benefits will therefore be at the center of numerous interventions by illustrious speakers such as Luca Di Carlo (ANEV Scientific Secretary), Gianluca Egidi (CEO of SEA Tuscia, spin-off University of Tuscia), Vincenzo Minutolo (Director of DINEA - CRSL), Diego Donato (CTS CRSL), Sabrina Colombo (Director of DESTA - CRSL), Andrea Di Ciò (Head of Relationship, Project Coordination CRSL and SEA Tuscia) and Marco Colombo (Managing Director of CRSL) .

For information

26 April 2021

CRSLaghi News – April 2021

In this issue: The first quarter of 2021: the floor to Fabiano Rinaldi, CRSL Chairman of the Board; CTT 4.0, technological innovation at the service of companies; Webinar in partnership with LIUC Business School; Milano Finanza talks about us; Discovering the "Borgo 4.0" of Lioni; The new Brochure: CRSL in 4 words (and 8 pages)

Read the newsletter (italian language)

23 April 2021

The new Brochure: CRSL in 4 words (and 8 pages)

The brand new CRSL brochure can be downloaded and… browsed with a general overview of the activities and projects of the Center!

Browse the brochure (italian language)
Download the document (italian language)

26 March 2021

CRSL is on Milano Finanza with an interview with President Fabiano Rinaldi

CRSL in the news! In the Milano Finanza newspaper - within the Special "Professional Services Report" - we talk about us and our research, development and technology transfer activities to companies investing in innovation, giving life to that innovative heritage which - as our President Fabiano Rinaldi highlight in the article - CRSL, as a 4.0 Technology Transfer Center, is able to enhance by guaranteeing companies a double advantage: on the one hand, increasing their competitiveness on the market and on the other immediately freeing up economic and financial energy.

Source: Milano Finanza

Leggi l'articolo

19 February 2021

CRSL partner of LIUC in a webinar on Patent Box and Tax credit

The event "Enhancing Intangible Assets - Patent Box and Tax credit", born from the partnership between LIUC Business School and CRSL - Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi and scheduled for Thursday 25 February, intends to illustrate the new incentive measures for companies and give a voice to the entrepreneurs who are benefiting from these measures.


Read the article

10 February 2021

"Enhancing Intangible Assets - Patent Box and Tax Credit", the webinar in partnership between LIUC and CRSL

CRSL has organized, in partnership with LIUC Business School, a new webinar dedicated to some themes that have always been at the heart of the activities of our Center. Entitled "Enhancing Intangible Assets - Patent Box and Tax Credit", the event scheduled for February 25, will focus on the changes introduced by the latest Budget Laws in terms of tax credit facilities on the investment front in research, design and training 4.0.
Focus therefore on the Patent Box and on the facilitated taxation regime for income deriving from the use of intellectual properties developed by the company, such as copyrighted software, industrial patents, designs, models and processes.
Moderated by Raffaella Manzini (Director of the LIUC School of Industrial Engineering) and Sabrina Colombo (Director of the CRSL Department of Economics and Statistics), will be attended by Giuseppe Zizzo (Full Professor of Tax Law at LIUC - Cattaneo University), Marco Claudio Colombo (Managing Director of CRSL), Ing. Gabriele Pierani (President of Newline Market Research Benefit Company SpA) and Ing. Stefano Sganzerla (R&D Director Kosmosoft Engineering Srl).

Info and booking (italian language)

2 February 2021

CRSLaghi News – February 2021

In this issue: The fourth quarter of 2020: the floor to Fabiano Rinaldi, CRSL Chairman of the Board; Budget Law 2021: main measures; Save the date: easyDATACHAIN workshop (March 5th); “Focus CRSL”: a very useful tool; Our website ... speaks English !; Yearbook: available in paper version.

Read the newsletter (italian language)

12 January 2021

CRSL presents with its experts in the teaching staff of the ITS of Olbia-Tempio

Tourism courses were inaugurated at the ITS (Higher Technical Institute) of Olbia-Tempio on December 30th. This is an excellent opportunity for Gallura students, who will be supervised by a highly qualified teaching staff with diversified skills, including CRSL professionals.


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10 December 2020

The easyDATACHAIN portal is online

The easyDATACHAIN portal is online, the free platform that allows you to publish blockchain content in a simple and intuitive way, with the aim of archiving any type of data in a secure, immutable and highly available manner.
easyDATACHAIN was born within the CRSL Observatory with the collaboration of SinerVis Solutions, a company specializing in the development of innovative software solutions. This is a further step towards the future: thanks to an extremely "user friendly" iinterface, the portal allows services to be modeled on the real needs of companies, professionals and anyone who wants to experiment with blockchain technology, maximizing its efficiency.
Accessing the infinite potential and the most innovative applications of the blockchain world has never been so... "easy"!

10 November 2020


And the winner is Fabrizio Onida, with the Jury's special mention awarded to Carlo Bagnoli.


Read the press release

29 September 2020

Fabiano Rinaldi and Marco Colombo admitted to UNITUS PhD in Engineering for Energy and Environment

Congratulations to Fabiano Rinaldi and Marco Colombo – respectively Chairman of the Board of Directors and Board Member of CRSL – admitted to the PhD in Engineering for Energy and Environment promoted by the University of Tuscia of Viterbo. A clear recognition of the value of their curriculum and exams, but also of the consideration CRSL enjoys as a "highly qualified company". During the three years of the Industrial Doctorate, Fabiano Rinaldi and Marco Colombo will explore the issues related to "Development of technological innovation models within the Patent Box framework" and "Intellectual property rights of biosystems and environmental technology". Good luck to them and to all their colleagues!

28 September 2020

CRSL 2019 Yearbook published

The 2019 edition of the CRSL Yearbook is the testimony of another year of intense experiences, full of important developments and great successes in terms of research, innovation and more. This new publication will allow the reader to appreciate how much the Centre has grown and towards which new horizons it has directed its activities. In fact, the book retraces several stages of a long journey that has seen the team of CRSL collaborators expand towards new realities, in Italy and abroad, but also develop the work projects of the eight Departments, School 4.0 and the European Erasmus+ programme. The 2019 Yearbook is currently being distributed in the CRSL network and will soon be made available on this site for download.

See the summary

11 May 2020

Restyling for the CRSL logo!

Great manoeuvres at CRSL, starting with the restyling of the logo, designed by Carlo Muttoni, Director of the new Department dedicated to Design. It represents the dynamic and enterprising nature of our Research and Study Centre, but also the spirit of starting everything back up again with which we want to tackle the new challenges that await us. We find ideally enclosed an ecosystem of connections based on communicating vessels between sectors, disciplines and technologies, as communicating and interrelated as language itself.

4 May 2020

With a free CRSL webinar explaining Training 4.0

During the ReStart webinar in Green Forum, promoted by RemTech Expo and Camera Forense Ambientale, the link between work, environment and health was discussed. Fabio Maria Bonasegale, CRSLaghi's tax credit expert, clarified how companies can benefit from incentives from an economic point of view, including as a tool to help navigate the crisis caused by the current health emergency.

Read the article

30 March 2020

Free webinar: CRSLaghi explaining Training 4.0

BitMAT developed, in partnership with CRSLaghi, a free webinar to explain the advantages of Tax Credit and Training 4.0 and their importance as a tool to help navigate the crisis due to the ongoing health emergency.

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30 March 2020

A webinar to explain Training 4.0

In partnership with CRSLaghi, BitMAT has developed a free webinar to explain the advantages of Tax Credit and Training 4.0, which can be thought of as valuable tools to help tackle the crisis caused by the ongoing health emergency.

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20 February 2020

A course for employment consultants in preparation for the state exam

The Director of the Department of Legal Sciences of CRSLaghi is one of the teachers of the course reserved for employment consultants who will take the State exam in 2020, promoted by the National Association of Employment Consultants Up of Brescia, under the patronage of the Order of Employment Consultants.

Source: Brescia newspaper
Read the article

14 January 2020

A tool for measuring emotional intelligence

Collaboration between Interago Academy and CRSLaghi has led to the creation of a free tool to measure your emotional intelligence online.

Source: Dire Oggi
Read the article

1 October 2018

CRSL is recognized as Centro di Trasferimento Tecnologico 4.0

CRSL has obtained from Unioncamere the certification as Centro di Trasferimento Tecnologico 4.0, (former MISE decree of December 22, 2017). CRSL is currently one of the 11 accredited center in Italy.

Download the certificate

21 September 2018

CRSL and Dafne (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali) of Università degli Studi della Tuscia present the first results of project MIRA – Metodologie Innovative per la Ricerca Applicata – on 19th October in Viterbo.

On 19th October 2018 CRSL and Dafne (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali) of Università degli Studi della Tuscia will hold the workshop INDUSTRIA 4.0: LE OPPORTUNITÀ PER LE IMPRESE with the sponsorship of Viterbo Chamber of Commerce and with the involvement of PID – Punto impresa Digitale. The workshop will showcase the first results of Project MIRA – Metodologie Innovative per la Ricerca Applicata.


20 March 2018

CRSLaghi is registered at the Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche of MIUR.

Registration of Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche

22 February 2018

CRSL obtains the Certificate of Quality for Industry Research and Experimental Development in Social Sciences, Humanities and Engineering

We are pleased to announce that on 9th February 2018 Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi has obtained the Certificate of Quality for Industry Research and Experimental Development in Social Sciences, Humanities and Engineering.


29 January 2018

Università degli Studi della Tuscia – DAFNE Department and Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi begin their cooperation in MIRA Project

Download the convention

22 November 2017

Competence Attribution to Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi Srl, Validation of Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Carolina Albasio

Download the certification

31 October 2017

Technical and Scientific Framework Agreement with Università di Udine

The research agreement with Università di Udine department DI4A (Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences) aims at developing methodologies and models applicable in the Energy and Environmental Engineering Department of CRSLaghi.


21 September 2017

Technical Scientific Cooperation Agreement with Sofia&Silaq, spin-off of Università degli Studi di Udine

On 21st September 2017, Centro Ricerche e Studi dei Laghi has signed the cooperation agreement with Sofia&Silaq, spin-off of Università degli Studi di Udine. Sofia&Silaq’s mission and vision are innovation and research – mainly in the areas of agroindustry, agricultural engineering and mechanical engineering – as well as planning and management of structures linked with the primary sector and applied mechanics.


6 June 2017

Accreditation Reg. no. 159 Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Carolina Albasio

Download the accreditation
