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Evaluating the Degree of Uncertainty of Research Activities in Industry 4.0

Sirio Cividino, Gianluca Egidi, Ilaria Zambon and Andrea Colantoni

Research and development (R&D) are always oriented towards new discoveries, based on original terms or hypotheses, and their concluding outcomes are often uncertain. The present work focused on the degree of uncertainty for R&D activities. In fact, uncertainty makes it difficult to quantify the time and resources needed to achieve a final outcome, create a work plan and budget, and finalize the resulting “innovative” products or services that could be transferred or exchanged in a specific market. The present work attempts to indicate the degree of uncertainty of the research activities developed by a set of firms. The method used aimed to quantify the five criteria defined by the Manual of Frascati. Through the creation of an uncertainty cloud, a cone of uncertainty was defined following an approach based on project management. The evaluation grid was characterized by the decomposition of the different variables divided into quartiles, which allowed for the detection of the evolution of the project and each of its component. The ancillary objective aim was to also observe the development degree of these industries towards a framework of Industry 4.0.

Journal: MDPI - Open Access Journals

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Applied Research Towards Industry 4.0: Opportunities for SMEs

Ilaria Zambon, Gianluca Egidi, Fabiano Rinaldi and Sirio Cividino

Industry 4.0 designates the recent digital revolution in the industrial sector, evolving from the comprehensive networking and automation of all the productive areas. Equipment, machinery, materials and products permit to (i) distinguish dealing out environmental settings and current status via sensors; (ii) join them through fixed software; and (iii) progress production procedures in an exclusive method. Additionally, Industry 4.0 exposes new trials to enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Firms should advance approaches to (i) achieve chances of innovation and digitalization; (ii) expand their processes; and (iii) define innovative business models. Based on these premises, a well-organized political, legal and infrastructural outline is essential to build up a business having an Industry 4.0 approach. Though bigger firms can get ahead through innovation processes and predicting the potential digitalization risks for their business models, SMEs may be in trouble. The present editorial aims to offer relevant research outcomes that has been carried out on such a current and emblematic theme, offering new perspectives and opportunities especially for SMEs.

Journal: MDPI - Open Access Journals

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2018 / Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Ingegneristiche, Chimiche, Biologiche e degli Alimenti&Bevande

Bonelli 4.0: R&D to Interconnecting Machine, Layout and New Type of Production

Giovanni Bonelli, Gianluca Egidi, Cristina Pacchiardo, Sirio R. S. Cividino

Bonelli 4.0 is a project intended to study new technologies incorporated in the spaces of a highly innovative company; Bonelli produces wooden fixtures. With the introduction of the Homag machine, the company has studied a new productive layout, improving the production system itself e totally re‐modulating all the work commission management.

Journal: Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 11, 2018, no. 89, 4391‐4417

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2018 / Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche

Implementation of Arca ERP Software to Efficient Manage of Construction Sector Inside the COSMA Impianti S.r.l

Marco Cosma, Stefano Iannello, Egidi Gianluca, Cividino Sirio and Ceppi Christian

Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 11, 2018, no. 58, 2875 - 2886 HIKARI Ltd,

Journal: Contemporary Engineering Sciences

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2018 / Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche

An Innovative System of Control, Verification and Creation of Both the Spaces Commercial through APP Software

Giovanni Puricelli, Ceppi Christian, Gatti Roberto, Egidi Gianluca and Cividino Sirio

Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 11, 2018, no. 63, 3129 – 3150 HIKARI Ltd,

Journal: Contemporary Engineering Sciences

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2018 / Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche

Interconnection System with Software Able to Interconnect 4.0 Generation Machines with the Whole Enterprise System

Pagani Antonio, Egidi Gianluca, Ceppi Christian and Cividino R.S. Sirio

Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 11, 2018, no. 63, 3109 – 3127 HIKARI Ltd,

Journal: Contemporary Engineering Sciences

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2018 / Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Ingegneristiche, Chimiche, Biologiche e degli Alimenti&Bevande

Definition of a Methodology for Gradual and Sustainable Safety Improvements on Farms and Its Preliminary Applications

Sirio Rossano Secondo Cividino, Gianfranco Pergher, Rino Gubiani, Carlo Moreschi, Ugo Da Broi,
Michela Vello and Fabiano Rinaldi

In many productive sectors, ensuring a safe working environment is still an underestimated problem, and especially so in farming. A lack of attention to safety and poor risk awareness by operators represents a crucial problem, which results in numerous serious injuries and fatal accidents. The Demetra project, involving the collaboration of the Regional Directorate of INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents atWork), aims to devise operational solutions to evaluate the risk of accidents in agricultural work and analyze the dynamics of occupational accidents by using an observational method to help farmers ensure optimal safety levels. The challenge of the project is to support farmers with tools designed to encourage good safety management in the agricultural workplaces.

Journal: MDPI / Agricolture

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2017 / Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Ingegneristiche, Chimiche, Biologiche e degli Alimenti&Bevande

The Analysis of the Cause-Effect Relation between Tractor Overturns and Traumatic Lesions Suffered by Drivers and Passengers: A Crucial Step in the Reconstruction of Accident Dynamics and the Improvement of Prevention

Carlo Moreschi, Ugo Da Broi, Sirio Rossano Secondo Cividino, Rino Gubiani, Gianfranco Pergher,
Michela Vello and Fabiano Rinaldi

The evaluation of the dynamics of accidents involving the overturning of farm tractors is difficult for both engineers and coroners. A clear reconstruction of the causes, vectorial forces, speed, acceleration, timing and direction of rear, front and side rollovers may be complicated by the complexity of the lesions, the absence of witnesses and the death of the operator, and sometimes also by multiple overturns. Careful analysis of the death scene, vehicle, traumatic lesions and their comparison with the mechanical structures of the vehicle and the morphology of the terrain, should help experts to reconstruct the dynamics of accidents and may help in the design of new preventive equipment and procedures.

Journal: MDPI / Agricolture

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