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What we do / Capital goods Industry 4.0

Capital goods Industry 4.0

The 2021 Budget Law provides that, within the National Industry 4.0 Plan, investments in new capital goods for business operations (formerly hyper-depreciation) are facilitated in the period between November 16, 2020 and December 31, 2022, or by on 30/06/23, provided that by 31/12/22 the relative order is accepted by the seller and the payment of advance payments of at least 20% of the acquisition cost has been made.

Have also been extended until the end of 2022 tax credits in favor of companies operating in the South for investments in new capital goods, part of an initial investment project, for production facilities located in the assisted areas of Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.

CRSL supports companies that invest in capital goods, both in purchase and in economy, in every phase of the project and/ r by drafting qualified technical-scientific reports.

Focus Capital goods Industry 4.0

Focus Capital goods Industry 4.0

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